Representative Clients

We are proud of the breadth and depth of our client roster.  Our lawyers have represented Fortune 500 and 100 companies, as well as small to mid-size concerns across a variety of industries. 

Our firm has the scope of experience required to provide sophisticated legal counsel and serve as long term partners to our clients.  Below is a list of current and former clients which exemplifies the kinds of organizations that rely on our lawyers for superior representation and counsel:

Abel Design Group

Agile OFIS


Alcotra North America, Inc.

Altar'd State

Arch-Con Corporation

Beyer Financial Services

Boccard Pipe Fabricators, Inc.

Charming Charlie

Coastal Energy Company

Colliers International

Crescent Real Estate Equities Ltd.

Digna Corporation

DW Industries, Inc.

Emerus Holdings Inc.

Energy Training Solutions

Fichtner MEI Oil & Gas

Franklin Street Properties

Fusion Restoration

General Growth Properties, Inc.

Glacier Oil & Gas Corp.

Hennessey Performance Engineering

Hoover Materials Handling Group, Inc.

Milestone Environmental Services

Moody National Management Co.

Mooring USA

Redman Communications

Seaside Construction

Seatronics, Inc.

Tenaska Capital Management

Texas Stress Inc.

Touchmark Living Centers, Inc.