Chapoton | Sanders | Scarborough LLP
Attorneys At Law

First Call, Right Call.  When your first call needs to be the right call, make sure that call counts by contacting our group of dedicated lawyers.  We take a fresh, energetic approach to representation and service that allows our firm to rise above the field.


Chapoton | Sanders | Scarborough LLP is a law firm built on the qualities of trust, integrity and dedication.  Our client's goals and objectives are the primary focus of the firm. As advocates, it is our goal to work through each matter with the end result in mind.  We stress the term "advocate" because it is our job to persistently push forward our client's desired personal and business objectives within the limits of the law.  We are firm believers that today's legal clients want an advocate that pursues an end result that is in the best interest of the client.  That is why we have continuously worked with our clients on what is in their best interest, ranging from outlining complex business deals on the corporate and real estate side to pushing forward litigation on the merits of the matter.